Foraging for a Meal

Foraging for a Meal
Foraging for a Meal at 30 below!

Monday, October 31, 2016

Trick or Treat!! Happy, and Safe Celebrating!!!

In a nutshell - OK, a "mason jar" the message for the day is Happy Halloween!!!   As this little spider has worked so hard to communicate, hope it's a fabulous day!!!!!!!!
Once again , Dave has been planning his Halloween barbecue to treat the parent and guardians accompanying their Trick or Treaters.  In addition to grilling meats, he check dipping and grilling sauces, plates, skewers, forks and napkins! While the giant beetles might make a crispy, and high protein snack, he has planned something much tamer for visiting snackers! 

Hopefully the evening will stay dry so that his annual Halloween grilling give-away can be successful.  Although the temperature isn't supposed to be above 50, staying dry is usually the difference between a pleasant and less-than-pleasant evening in the great outdoors. 

There are several other pages yet unrevealed in this minibook edition, but I am ready to move on to the next version, that is 60 - 75% purchased materials.....a new pathway for me, but I do really like some of the paper stack options currently on the market.  With a good coupon, it's a fun area to explore!

Something to think about with the holidays ahead!!!

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