Foraging for a Meal

Foraging for a Meal
Foraging for a Meal at 30 below!

Monday, October 10, 2016

Ana with Revisions Revealed

Ana is probably the first in this series of sketches that I took more than a couple of pictures so that I could reflect on the changes and modifications in the process.  Although she, too, has been sketched in graphite, and not red pencil,  I actually found this medium easier to modify and revise.

You'll notice that there are some subtle differences between the first and second sketches ( besides the significant lighting differences) because this is actually the same sketch with revision.

This third image also reveals the smudges and places where I dragged the heel of my hand, but also reveals additional revisions.  If this were truly urban sketching, on the spot, there would not be time for these types of revisions, but that is the beauty of the safety net of using photographs.......taking the easy way out, I guess!

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