Foraging for a Meal

Foraging for a Meal
Foraging for a Meal at 30 below!

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

A White Ink Experiment!

How fun is white ink on black paper?  I really like the contrast of the white ink on the black background.  This white ink is not as opaque as I would like,'s a good experiment.  The skeleton came out just as I expected!  I decided to try several images using the white ink on the black paper......

Skeleton - Hand carved block used to create relief print using white ink on black paper
The black cat takes on an entirely Halloweenish aura when printed in this's not only the fact that the cat is black, but the white outline also takes on a goolish or ghostly suggestion.  I did add the yellowy-green eyes, but that is the only addition to this print.

Cat - Hand carved block used to create relief print using white ink on black paper

The raven has the same positive features as the cat - the 'critter' is actually black - a plus for a Halloween image.  As with the cat eyes, I added beak, feet and leg color, but the rest is only black paper or white ink.    Of course the purple paper in the background helps create a wonderful contrast!

Raven - Hand carved block used to create relief print using white ink on black paper
I am not as pleased with the image below - For one thing, I tried to do multiple images on one piece of black paper....too busy!  Ghostly dandelions and their dried, flying seeds are just not haunting good fun.  I really like trying these different images to get the feel for the medium.

Dandelions with airborn seeds - Hand carved block used to create relief print using white ink on black paper
It is interesting that the vulture takes on a more cartoonish feel than a ghostly aura using the white ink on black paper.  As you can see below, adding the red neck and head, along with yellow beak and feet does not support the Halloween feel.....still cartoonish.....

Vulture - Hand carved block used to create relief print using white ink on black paper

So, of the five white ink experiments, three have an effective impact and two are better using different medium/colors/ and or background......I'll share those between now and you're excited now, ah?

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