Foraging for a Meal

Foraging for a Meal
Foraging for a Meal at 30 below!

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Revisiting Chicago......

The election is behind us and, as promised, I am returning to the streets of Chicago to review the ongoing riots....oh wait,...I am returning to the streets of Chicago to look at the sketches of some of their citizens - many of which represent the diverse cultures of the many communities.

I love the name of this woman - Tranquillina.  It is interesting to imagine the storyline behind the selection of her name....was she the tenth child in a busy household?  Were parents hopeing for a calm, peaceful child?  Was her birth unusually quiet and peaceful?  Of course we'll never know, but the name selection prompts many questions.

I worked through the preliminary sketch in pencil, black marker and white China marker, then decided to add acrylic ink for color.  I ended with a somewhat impressionistic image of Tranquillina, but am still satisfied that it captures the essence of who she is.

I am also curious about the process used to go into the various communities throughout Chicago to capture the photographic images shared on the website.  Did the photographic team specifically seek out Tranquillina in her community or did she seek out the photographers????  Another question I won't know the answer to, but in either case, I am glad she was included!  I wonder if videographer Michael Morse is also filming in Chicago right now?  ...or New York or??????  Oh, I know.....more questions.......we might have some answers for these last questions, however......

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