Foraging for a Meal

Foraging for a Meal
Foraging for a Meal at 30 below!

Friday, October 21, 2016

Is it the Web and the Spider or....the Spider and theWeb?

These detailed webs were all made with a fragile-appearing stencil.  Fortunately the stencil material is plastic and tremendously more durable than it appears to be.  I have never been very patient when it comes to using stencils, although have the right kind of flat, cylindrical brush seems to help.  Absolutely nothing could match the precision of the real web, but it is fun to pay tribute to the beauty and the precision of each creation. 

The addition of the spider, below, is a nice visual effect.  This particular spider is a purchased stamp that seems to be based on the real deal.  The bulbous body and the nice, long legs are perfect for the fragile appearance of this web.....there is nothing fuzzy or whimsical about THIS arachnid!  

The two images below are actually the same page, rotated.  I was surprised by how different the image looks by simply rotating it 180 degrees. 

I  particularly like the spider at the top of the web, waiting for some innocent insect to get caught.  I feel like the spider at the bottom of the web is much more forlorn as if hopeful that something is stuck!  Below is the POWER SPIDER!!!!

Well, that's my impression, anyway.....thoughts?

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