Foraging for a Meal

Foraging for a Meal
Foraging for a Meal at 30 below!

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Love that Bike!

I hope your three-day-weekend was delightful and helped prepare you for the symbolic beginning of the new work year or the real beginning of the new school year.

There are several subtle progressions in this minibok that I work in tandem.  There is an increase in color - even notice the range of colors and shades in the lines on the left.  In combination with the background painting, there is much more color here than in earlier pages with lines for text.  The facing mini page not only has more colors, BUT also has another heart and they have greater space between them.

the back of the four-heart mini-page has even more hearts and the appear to have a falling or motion suggestion.  Between the seven-heart back and the next two 'visible' blue pages, there is more ink, as well.

This is one of my favorite combination of pages because you can see the smaller relief print on the left and the larger on the right.  It takes a minute to realize that these two, with the visual blue spacer in-between, cannot be from the same block.  So, there is not just one bike image being used in relief, but at least two!

Again, the anticipation of seeing more of the image theme.....

And you finally get to the page that holds the larger bike image - spoke details, and all!  Are the hearts in motion, is that paint, or part of the inking - ??????  Let's assume motion! 

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