Foraging for a Meal

Foraging for a Meal
Foraging for a Meal at 30 below!

Friday, September 30, 2016

Working with Negative Sapce

These festive party balloons were so easy to create.    I laid down the base color(s), and let them dry.  Then I cut out three oval shapes and set them on top of the base color and used a mister with some acrylic paint to spritz the surface of the entire page, masking out all of the surrounding pages (remember, this set of pages is actually all one BIG sheet of paper where I added all of the images prior to folding and creating the book format.) 

Once the second layer of paint was dry, I pulled off the ovals to discover the balloons, in all of the base-bright colors, peaking through.  I used a marker to define their form, added a belly button where the air would have gone in, and attached a fluttery string.......VwaLaa! 

I created the heart on the back page of the book the same way that I created the balloons, however I think it has much less impact.  The combination of color and the fact that the image is just floating there just don't give it context or and anchor in the same way that the balloons do.  It serves as a good LAST page, however! 

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