Foraging for a Meal

Foraging for a Meal
Foraging for a Meal at 30 below!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

It's More Than Just the Colors......

By flipping the book upsidedown, it is easier to see both the tag in the top of this page and at the side. 

The stenciling and star shapes continue into page-spread#2, but I did not add images to the tags like I did in later minibooks. 

Notice page spread three has stars, as well on the left hand side, but a new image is visible on the right hand side.  Because there is SO much going on in these images, it is engaging to look at, but one clear theme does not carry through the pages from start to end.  This is one of the concepts that took me a while to narrow down for my own satisfaction.

Every time I pull this book out and take a look, I am re-energized by the colors and whimsy.  Whimsy is something I don't do very well and have always appreciated artists who capture the whimsical side of creation in their work.  Although I know in my rationale brain that all paintings do NOT need to resemble a photograph, part way through each canvas, I find myself veering that direction with reworking, reworking, reworking.  This little book serves as a good reminder for me that photographic precision is not essential to generate a positive response to artistic expression - mine own or anyone elses!!!  

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