Foraging for a Meal

Foraging for a Meal
Foraging for a Meal at 30 below!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

What a Surprise!

As I looked back through the catalog with "new eyes," I realized that no credits were given to any of the cover artists for their work.  The Art Colony is very careful to get release signatures at the beginning of each class, and now I have a better understanding of why they are so methodical about doing that.

Roadside deer at night - acrylic on gessoed masonite.
 The quick painting I did in my sketchbook (see last image in yesterday's post) served as a good reminder of the parts of the image I wanted to capture AND the parts I wanted to enhance.  Early in the week of marathon painting I completed a 16" X 20" painting capturing a meadow near our campsite on Grand Marais Bay.  I liked the glow of the horizon line and the massive number of stars that were visible in the night sky and thought that might also be a good backdrop for the roadside deer.

The part I needed to be sure to maintain in addition to the deer, was the tall grasses.  With those two concepts in mind, I moved the deer from daytime to nighttime and added some trees and stars.

Roadside deer at night - acrylic on gessoed masonite - close up of deer.
I have to say that this was not my best, or even ONE of my best paintings for the week.  When I got to the very end of the session, I had this one last concept I wanted to be sure and capture, much like an entry in a visual journal, and one small piece of masonite to do it on.

This serves as a good reminder that there are things that can be controlled and things that are out of my control.  I would have picked a different painting to add to the cover of a 33 page catalog.  I would have insisted that all of the artists, including myself, receive written credit for each work created and published.  I would have requested a copy of the catalog for my files and at least an email alert of the publication or mailing.

I am so glad that I fumbled across the back cover of the catalog.  Even though all of those "....I would have....." decisions were out of my control, I am still very honored to be part of the cover and very happy that I was able to see it!

I think I would have selected the painting below if given the choice for the week.  It screams Grand Marais, is an image that was inspired by a bay-side meadow the night before it was painted, and it includes several techniques and plays on color that were new for me.  I like the idea of celebrating an inspiration AND taking a risk.  I guess the roadside deer quick paint will serve as a good stand in for inspiration and risk!

Nighttime meadow on Grand Marais Bay - Acrylic on canvas
Happy Cinco de Mayo!

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