Foraging for a Meal

Foraging for a Meal
Foraging for a Meal at 30 below!

Sunday, November 6, 2016

What Do the Candidates Value?

I have watched the recording of the school board candidate's forum for our own school district a couple of times.  Nine community members are campaigning for three vacated seats on a six person board.  Two of those on the nine-person slate are incumbents.

How refreshing it has been to hear candidates respond to questions asked without beginning their response with something awful about the opposition.  The range of response for each candidate showed thought and a varied degree of research, experience and reflection, but each person seemed genuine in their dedication to impacting education for children.

It seems clear to me who the three candidates are that I am marking on my ballot.  I hope all voters will dedicate as little as 45 minutes to reviewing what the school board candidates in your community are identifying as the key issues and how they will approach addressing them. 

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