Foraging for a Meal

Foraging for a Meal
Foraging for a Meal at 30 below!

Friday, November 11, 2016

Thank You to the Men and Women Who Serve!

It is refreshing to see the number of businesses that not only salute our men and women who serve and have served, but offer some discounts or perks to them and their families. 

What a switch from the treatment the men and women received returning from Viet Nam three decades ago...they were treated like the criminal.  Many had endured and witnessed horrible things, and returned to being shunned in their community, frustrated in getting employment and denied medical treatment for  psychological disorders, agent orange exposure, combat fatigue, and other emotional challenges.

It is difficult to know what military action our troupes will be involved in during the next presidential term, but tensions run high that there will be something that America provokes.  Today provides a good opportunity to thank those who have served AND think about looking to the peaceful resolution to conflicts in the future. 

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