Foraging for a Meal

Foraging for a Meal
Foraging for a Meal at 30 below!

Friday, November 25, 2016

Post Turkey

I am still not convinced that the Thanksgiving meal is the best eats of the pre-Christmas season.  I think I continue to land in the camp of black Friday Leftovers....OK, that sounds awful in that advertising context.  Let's just call it - leftovers.  There actually is a little of this cherry pie left, for example......a couple of people might enjoy a slice before the pan is "...put to other uses."  (yes, that's a SCAMPER skill! )

And yes I did assemble this pie, although I have to admit it is not a "from scratch" endeavor -  I did whip the egg whites to brush on the top to get that crispy, golden glow...the rest is truly assembled!  Delicious, nonetheless!
 Did you watch the dog show that followed the parade on Thursday?  (I just have to catch a little of the New York parade to make the day officially Thanksgiving, although I did switch the channel to see what was going on in Chicago.  Do you remember when several cities had parades and you would play "dial a channel" to catch glimpses of them all???) 

Anyway, I was very hopeful that the spaniel above would win the show...A striking look for a well-groomed canine and very bright-eyed as handler responsive.  I was disappointed when the greyhound was announced as the winner. 
I think this hound has nailed my sentiments regarding the announced winner - "Bah, humbug!"  Combined with the fact that they ran commercials during the presentation of the dalmatian, it was not a stellar dog show year in my book.  Of course I might feel differently if I had spend much time actually watching it...I was mostly preparing food........which brings me back to the delightful leftovers we will enjoy for today's evening meal. 

I hope your day-after-Thanksgiving is filled with the people, activities and things that you enjoy!  Let the merriment begin and the flakes fall (yep, I mean snowflakes!) Some Minnesotans are looking forward to to wonderful sonwmobiling season this year!

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

May you enjoy a day of peace and celebration for family, health and gathering together and take some time to reflect and give thanks for the ancestors of your past.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Gloria Progression

Once I got into the pattern, I took more regular pictures of Gloria as my work progressed.  You could think of these like the "Highlights for Children" Hidden Pictures challenge.  (That used to be the best part of going to the doctor's office!)

I think there are a couple of other walking patrol officers in different neighborhoods of the Chicago photographs - both men and women.  Gloria has the most dramatic attitude, however (probably why I selected her to sketch, then paint first!) 

So, did you find the minor differences from one image to the next? 

Tuesday, November 22, 2016


One of the challenges with almost all of the Chicago photographs is the flat affect of the people being photographed.  A few are clearly disgusted, a few are flashing gang signs, and few are billowing smoke (like the "T'was the Nigh Before Christmas" reference to Santa's smoke wreath,) but most are just standing like a statue. 

I wanted to sketch and paint the image of Gloria because personality exudes from her photograph.  I think the equipment helps and the work-uniform attire, but her hair style, reflective glasses and stance all convey a strong presence.

I apologize for not capturing the initial stages of her sketch - which I do not believe was done using red pencil. 

It is clear that Gloria wants her photograph to convey a readiness to get to work - she is about business! 

Monday, November 21, 2016

Camille 3

It was amazing to me that the addition of the whispy curls in Camille's hair really popped her volume and depth.....I like it. 

Once again, I continue to learn something new with each new sketch and painting that I work on.

I love the hardware that is dangling on the handles of Camille's handbag.  Interestingly enough, I think the light bouncing off of these shapes also contributes to the depth of that side of the painting.  I think they are just embellishment for her bag, unlike the key chains that make up the hardware on my purse! 

Even though I signed the work, I decided Camille needed a little additional sunlite-reflection on the left hand side of her face.  I think it could have gone a little further, and if this would have been a full-blown canvas painting, I would have continued the work.  Because this was supposed to be a quick work (ha ha ha,)....

I decided to stop.....always a challenge for me on a work......when to STOP!

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Camille with Enhanced Lighting

The purple next to the ochre gold creates a clear edge between Camille and the background - the purple could be just a little lighter, but there is a fine line between too light and lost. 

I did continue to take liberties with Camille's color scheme to add depth and richness of color.  Making both her blouse and purse loden green, for example, push the contrasts, as well.  The grey highlights in her hair lend depth, as well, although I did not take liberties here.

I wanted the trousers to be black, but used the blue to show the lighting from the right.  Her face and hands already included the effects of lighting, so it made sense to continue to push the effects.  Adding the lighter purple to the exterior coat has worked to this point because of the lighting on the pants, shoes, face, hands, hair and to include the glasses in the lighting mix, as well!

Saturday, November 19, 2016


I decided to sketch Camille with the red pencil, as suggested by the Strathmore artist in the third workshop.  This provided a good opportunity to see if I really want to continue to work in this way or go back to the traditional graphite that I am familiar with.

I am also going to experiment with some color variations using gouache paints.

I began laying in the background, which a different color that the dolphin grey present in all of the photographs.  It is already interesting to me that the tones of ochre gold in the background make the unpainted areas look grey and not the tan tone that they really are.  The proximity of colors and the changes that occur continue to be intriguing to me!

The addition of skin tones does not seem to warm the appearance of grey, either.

It's time for some color wheel compliment exploration! 

Friday, November 18, 2016


"Hello!" to Otoneil.  This man was such a dapper dresser.  His dress trousers are a pale ochre gold color, and have just been pressed (or at least have that look.)  His boot were ostrich skill and shiny, ochre gold and the belt buckle was either gold or polish brass and looked recently polished.  This is one of the rare occasions in the Chicago photo files when I got the impression that there was some advanced notification so participants could come prepared.

Otoneil was clearly ready to be photographed. 

Below are three characters you have seen before....or if you are new to this blog, you could go back and discover short progressions to each of the following images.  The beauty of these four sketches lies in the fact that all were taken from photographs in the same neighborhood in Chicago - the Pilsen Neighborhood.

I am beginning to have enough sketches that I can group them by the neighborhood in which they reside - will, that's probably a tremendous assumption.  I should probably say, the neighborhood in which their image was captured by the photo team on the day of their visit. 

If I knew Chicago better, I might better understand the community organization.  It is clear by looking at the images, that some neighborhoods have a stronger ethnic cohesiveness than others; that is part of what makes these images so interesting and valuable to me is that the diversity and variety of people provides a rich pool of subjects to sketch! 

 The more I sketch, the more I learn!  Have you read Malcome Gladwell's, "The Tipping Point"?   


Thursday, November 17, 2016


It has been a little while since I did this original sketch of Gloria.  At some point in time, I would like to go back and start by adding white China marker go give the sketch highlighted areas.

Then I would like to add paint - either acrylic or gouache, to give her depth and a strong sense of person that is more reflective of her photograph on the website.  I love the tradition of her decorated hat, short-handled handbag, and big bow on the front of the dress. 

 I also wanted to be sure to accurately capture her large, hoop earrings and slide footgear, with a stacked sole.  I was really curious about whether this is a " in the life of...." for Gloria, Sunday on the way to service, or ....headed to work.  I did get the impression that she felt somewhat inconvenienced by the time it took to capture her photo. The hand on the hip sends a clear message, doesn't it? 

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Testing Tan Toned Paper as the Mid-tone Value

I did not capture any of the sketches or early layers of gouache to paint Ginger.  You'll notice that her background is very uneven, which initially bothered me.  Once I added her fluffy, whispy fur, however, the background and texture of the dog seemed to be much more harmonious. 

One of the things I wanted to experiment with with this paint AND paper is using the paper as a middle-tone value and playing that tone into the creation of the image.  Because you do not have access to the layers in the development of Ginger, it is easy to forget (or not even thing about,) the fact that Ginger is painted on tan paper, and not white paper.  Allowing some of the tan to peek through the whispy grey, pink and lavender hair strokes, softens the overall appearance of the dog which would not be possible to do in this way were she painted on a white ground.

Going into the highlighted areas and adding 'almost white' to the surface, give more texture and depth the the dog's coat that if it were on white paper, as well. 

Being able to used a toned paper in this way was one of the 'selling points' emphasized by the Strathmore artist.  Well, I guess it worked, because I was anxious to push the paper and gouache using the tan as a mid-tone, AND I like the end effect.  I still think the background would look better, had I worked it more,'s a learning painting, and I discovered a nice effect using this paper! 

Another dog image is coming.......keep in mind that from all of the Chicago pictures, many include dogs, but I have not seen one cat, rabbit, ferret, etc........perhaps dogs were the only critter allowed?????

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Pushing the Gouache Learning Curve

I got so caught up in adding the details to the character to build her visual personality, that I forgot to stop and take the sequential pictures, like I had taken for the background.  At this point, all I needed to do was strengthen the shadow a little more, add some hair around the brim of the hat and solidify that left had, I it's time to move on!

I am so glad that these images represent with strong color clarity.  Recently I have been painting acrylic canvas paintings from old family photographs we stumbled across while cleaning and sorting.  Since all of those images are either black and white, or sepia, the good news/bad news is that I get to imagine colors and create my own.  I work with some caution, trying to be respectful of the environment, and the preferences I am aware of for that person BUT it is also very liberating to play with the color wheel, complementary colors, lighting and shadows that work very differently for me if my original image is in color.

Although the image below looks somewhat muted, I believe so of that can be attributed to the lighting in the photographic environment and not the actual intensity of the painting.....For a gouache painting on paper, this provided a good practice for me!!!!

Monday, November 14, 2016


I did this sketch in the style recommended by the artist on the Strathmore U-tube using the red Prisma pencil.  It seemed appropriate to give it a reasonable try to see if it is a tool I find useful.  I also decided to continue my exploration of gouache, the opaque water color paint.  Below the sketch has been completed and I am beginning to add gouache to the background.

As you can see below, the gouache on the tan toned Strathmore paper leaves something to be desired - I kept working!

......not as opaque as I had anticipated, but there is still a long ways to go!

Once I had the background completed with the first coat, I had enough of the color mixed to wait for it to dry and attack it again.  As you can see on the left-hand side, the paint is still wet on this second application, but the coverage is a little better!!!

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Revisiting Chicago......

The election is behind us and, as promised, I am returning to the streets of Chicago to review the ongoing riots....oh wait,...I am returning to the streets of Chicago to look at the sketches of some of their citizens - many of which represent the diverse cultures of the many communities.

I love the name of this woman - Tranquillina.  It is interesting to imagine the storyline behind the selection of her name....was she the tenth child in a busy household?  Were parents hopeing for a calm, peaceful child?  Was her birth unusually quiet and peaceful?  Of course we'll never know, but the name selection prompts many questions.

I worked through the preliminary sketch in pencil, black marker and white China marker, then decided to add acrylic ink for color.  I ended with a somewhat impressionistic image of Tranquillina, but am still satisfied that it captures the essence of who she is.

I am also curious about the process used to go into the various communities throughout Chicago to capture the photographic images shared on the website.  Did the photographic team specifically seek out Tranquillina in her community or did she seek out the photographers????  Another question I won't know the answer to, but in either case, I am glad she was included!  I wonder if videographer Michael Morse is also filming in Chicago right now?  ...or New York or??????  Oh, I know.....more questions.......we might have some answers for these last questions, however......

Friday, November 11, 2016

Thank You to the Men and Women Who Serve!

It is refreshing to see the number of businesses that not only salute our men and women who serve and have served, but offer some discounts or perks to them and their families. 

What a switch from the treatment the men and women received returning from Viet Nam three decades ago...they were treated like the criminal.  Many had endured and witnessed horrible things, and returned to being shunned in their community, frustrated in getting employment and denied medical treatment for  psychological disorders, agent orange exposure, combat fatigue, and other emotional challenges.

It is difficult to know what military action our troupes will be involved in during the next presidential term, but tensions run high that there will be something that America provokes.  Today provides a good opportunity to thank those who have served AND think about looking to the peaceful resolution to conflicts in the future. 

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Veteran Salute

Discovering some old pictures provided a rare opportunity to get a glimpse of life in the service during World War II.  Below is a picture of my father.  He was an officer and worked in the transportation division to keep the equipment up and operational.   When he left the service, he worked to save enough money to buy a motorcycle, so he must have enjoyed his work with them while serving. 

Below, is my mother's older brother, Tom.  He was a career military man, entering the Army shortly after high school graduation. He served for the duration of World War II and into the late 1940's. 

I am also  reminded of an important practice while going through this box of old photographs: LABEL all pictures with names and dates - location adds some insights, as well!  More than half of these photographic treasures are of of people I do not recognize......

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Veteran's Remembered

November 11 is Veteran's Day.  Family and friends and making their annual trip to the resting place of their fallen and departed loved ones to pay respects, tidy up the grave sight, and add flowers.  In this time of transition and change, it will be important to remember the values and ideals that democracy stands for and hold new leaders accountable! 

Our children are counting on us!