Foraging for a Meal

Foraging for a Meal
Foraging for a Meal at 30 below!

Monday, November 2, 2015


It wasn't long before she was looking among her travel treasures for the business card of the man who had uttered the cautionary message about the trickster persona of the raven and the potential for concern in the upcoming days and weeks.  

Halloween Raven print - Ranger black ink, black India inks, and FW acrylic ink on Strathmore 400 series print paper.

Halloween Raven print - Ranger black ink, black India ink, and FW acrylic ink on Strathmore 400 series print paper.
She made a phone call to learn more about the details of her carving, what other things she could expect, and what action she should take to create a more peaceful, and less eventful transition for the raven to its new environment.  She followed the suggested Inuit practices to quiet the trickster's actions and was relieved that the chaos entering her life was reduced, as well. 

Halloween Raven print - Ranger black ink, black India ink, and FW acrylic inks on Strathmore 400 series print paper.
Did the trickster's spirit inhabit the carving and make its presence known when moving to Minnesota?  I think about this cautionary tale each time I print a copy of this carved raven block.  Since I have carved many animals, and am continuing to carve even more animals in blocks for printing, would I be wise to learn about the nature of each animal and consider the cautionary tale that should accompany each???  Does the carver hold some kind of exemption if the carving is done in tribute and honor??  Hmmmmmmmm - lots of food for thought in the cautionary tale of the raven carving! 

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