Foraging for a Meal

Foraging for a Meal
Foraging for a Meal at 30 below!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

When to stop -starting another...

You may remember that one of my challenges is knowing when to stop working on a painting.   Hmmmmm.

You may have noticed on the most recent painting of the moose,  several small items have changed in the past couple of posts.  The neck-piercing tree branch in the background is gone, for example.  Characteristics and lighting of the grass in the creek-side meadow have also changed.

I think I am going to stop working on the moose, at this point, and study this painting for a while.  I may be "done," but would like a little think time before I make that final decision.  In the meantime, I will be moving on.

Below is a quick sketch of an animal that is very entertaining to watch.  I think, as humans, we try to personify these critters to better understand their antics.  I am not sure they are as fun-loving as we project, but it does appear that they really like new challenges and problems to solve and get irritable or crabby with one another when their tasks or environment become very routine....well, that sounds pretty human, speaking of personification!!!!

Black micron pen on placemat, approximately 4" x 6".  Not exactly a Toulouse-Lautrec image, but certainly a tribute to his style, (and there were no dancing women OR drinks.... not in France, either.) 

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