Foraging for a Meal

Foraging for a Meal
Foraging for a Meal at 30 below!

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Almost ready for the otter.

This painting is another example of layering.  The rocks are on the bottom and sides, covered by the depth of the water, then the surface waves, ripples and reflected light.

First 3 layers.  Acrylic on Gessobord.
I was challenged by both stages of this painting at this point.  The lines seem too random because there are multiple surfaces bouncing off both the wave actions from light and water. 

The surface layer that includes reflected light and wave shadows is now ready for the otter. Acrylic on Gessobord.
I really want to make a visit to the Minneapolis Institute of Arts to explore how artists, especially the Impressionists, have represented water movement and light reflections! 

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