Foraging for a Meal

Foraging for a Meal
Foraging for a Meal at 30 below!

Friday, July 24, 2015

Swimmer in motion!

 I continued experimenting with darks and lights in the water and on the otter, prior to moving my attention to the bubbles that really defined the motion.

Acrylic on Gessobord. 
 I didn't realize how elongated otters become when they are swimming fast - WOW!

Although the hind feed look very dark, they also reflect a lot of the light from the surface. 
Without the air bubbles, this dynamic swimmer is just a curlycue in the water.  It's almost as if the air bubbles emerge from within her coat and from under her belly as she swim downward.  They are so large, compared to you would see in a swimming fish, or reptile, that I really had to study them to know how dense to make them.

In contrast to the surrounding greens, aquas and purples of the water, the bubbles appear to be a silvery-white - lots of light bouncing off of these! 

I think it is the shadows cast on the interior and bottom of each bubble that will help define it's light reflection and volume; that's tomorrow's task!


  1. Love this, Beth! Your lights and shadows are amazing.

    1. Thank you so much for the wonderful feedback... Great to hear from you. Anxious to know if you entered "Spoonbill Sunset" in the color exhibit??? Saw "end of season" email about next class set.... Doesn't seem possible it is that close to Labor Day!
