Foraging for a Meal

Foraging for a Meal
Foraging for a Meal at 30 below!

Monday, July 13, 2015

Expanding the Grove

My reference pictures include a mini-forest of trees that appear to be planted in pseudo-rows.  Because these trees bordered the roadside, their primary purpose is probably intended to be wind and snow breaks.  I am most interested in the backdrop of the light color of the tree bark throughout the trunk of the trees, and the way the shadows of the leaves play off of the trunks.  I do plan to put a moose in the forefront of the painting, but am not interested in course, blackish-brown coat of the senior male moose population.  Although it could create a strong contrast of lights and darks, artistic license suggests the moose could become an inky blob that dominates the entire canvas. 

For now,I'll be adding more trees and I will do a sketch of a moose on bristle paper to cut out and use as an aid in moose placement.

I have started with the addition of two more trees.  the addition to the left is deliberately larger in diameter to bring it forward in the grove.  The lower branch may be a problem later, but for now I like the way it helps frame the birch stand in the distance.  

Continuing to add more leaves and grass.  I keep reminding myself about the importance of keeping the central tree trunks very sparse. 

Originally I planned to paint a dozenish trees to set the backdrop, but now feel that I would complete lose the distant images that include the sky, clouds and two layers of trees and brush.  For now, I think I will move forward by addition additional leaves at the top and some texture to "ground" this layer (OK, pun intended.)  I can always go back and add more trees later if this grove doesn't create a sufficient setting. 

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