Foraging for a Meal

Foraging for a Meal
Foraging for a Meal at 30 below!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Speech Impact

Yep, he's orange on purpose....seems to be part of the stereotype. 

Donald Trump thinking about introducing the keynote speaker, Melania Trump.
The early reports suggest that Melania, Donald's wife, gave a well-received speech during the first night of the GOP convention in Cleveland, Ohio.  Although at one time she was a model, she has not been in the public eye for the majority of the presidential campaign so far.  Although English is her second language (her native country, as you probably know, is Slovania,) reports indicate her speed was well delivered, articulate and structured for sound delivery and logic.

Media has also reported that there is a very vocal group among conventioneers that are staunch Hilary "haters."  I am not sure how they know that or what that means, but it has been reported on more than one station.

Well, that's the sum total of what I know about the convention since I was not near a TV or radio for the duration of the televised event.

So, does Melania's positive impact mean Donald's star is now rising in Cleveland?  It's pretty early in the convention to determine that end certainly has people talking, however.  I am sure there is MUCH more to come!!

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