Foraging for a Meal

Foraging for a Meal
Foraging for a Meal at 30 below!

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Day #2 of the DNC

Well, the delegates have cast their votes and Vermont reserved the last vote-casting position so that Bernie could ask that convention rules be waived so that all the votes for Hilary were unanimous.  In his opening night speech, Bernie shared that although he and Hilary did not always see eye to eye on issues, the two of them had worked collaboratively to draft plans for the party to move forward in unity. 

Will historians remember or recognize Bernie Sanders and his impact on the 2016 campaign and election?  Remains to be seen.  I suppose some of the recording will depend on who is elected to the presidency and who is appointed to various positions once in the white house.

It still seems that not all democrats are on board with Hilary.  In fact, after the speaker announced the democrat's candidate, some of the Bernie delegates from Wisconsin, Wyoming, and some others, left the hall. 

Bernie's speech, in combination with his gestures, were emphatic about the need for party unity and endorsing Hilary as a united party. 

Michelle Obama was a compelling speaker Monday night.  Elizabeth Warren was also a strong speaker on Monday. Tuesday night Bill Clinton presented the "life in brief, emphasizing major personal and political accomplishments" in a series of personable and endearing Hilary stories.  All three of these speakers seemed to maintain the attention of the delegates and even after the speeches were over on night #2, the aisles remained filled with delegates NOT leaving the hall - at least according to reporters. 

These would seem to be good indicators for the democrats, however the polls currently show Trump in the lead nationally.  Lots of campaign ahead with lots of possibilities for multiple roller coaster rides for each side.  No wonder most of the states moved their elections for state governor to off national-election years. 

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