Foraging for a Meal

Foraging for a Meal
Foraging for a Meal at 30 below!

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Canned Air!

So many of these alcohol ink patterns develop into a very floral image.  I tried using canned air to move ink around on this one.  I love the spaces where the ink is almost completely moved and just a small amount of pigment remains.  I also really enjoy the end of the ink trails when the quantity of ink is almost gone.

There are a couple of additional plusses to using canned air;  there is sufficient pressure for there to be very limited ink overlaps, which tend to get very dark, dirty and sticky quickly.  A can of air is always readily available and doesn't have to wait to inhale or catch it's breath - big plusses! 

Even though liquid was not misted or splattered on the right hand side of this image, the visual effect looks like misting.  That might be a clue as to the way the air really comes out of the pressurized can.  Although it appears to be one continuous, steady stream, perhaps it is more irregularly blasted through the nozzle and/or is effected by the chemical that serves as the propellant, as well.  The can gets so cold that it is difficult to hold on to after only a short amount of time, so the temperature of the air leaving the can could be a third factor in the mottled pattern of the ink.  The key is whether or not this effect can be predicted with consistency and used in additional applications!!!  Good question!

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