Foraging for a Meal

Foraging for a Meal
Foraging for a Meal at 30 below!

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Alcohol Inks and Whimsey

The title sounds like a hang-over story from college days, right?  Actually, it is important to have good ventilation when using these alcohol products - the smells are strong and I am pretty sure they are not too good for you.......I do have to say that the smell is reminiscent of a hospital visit......alcohol......yep!

In the image below, it is possible to imagine the way it was produced.  The green was dripped a drop at a time and then the paper was tilted so that gravity would pull the liquid down the page.  The blues were either dropped and allowed to flow or blown with a straw.  The yellow and burgundy was dropped and allowed to flow on top of dried ink from previous drops.

The semi-transparent quality of the inks created interesting colors and overlaps when the liquids are applied next to each other when both are wet.  They bleed and pool, flowing to create new colors and shapes.

This is also an example of taking "....what ya get...." and working with it to enhance an image.  Once the alcohol inks were dry, I began to look for motion and depth in the resulting piece.  With a non-alcohol based fine point, I began enhancing the image to create a whimsical scene.

As I mentioned yesterday, one of my biggest challenges in working with this style of design and development is knowing when to stop.  This medium is not like acrylics or oils where an area can be reworked many times to achieve the desired results - alcohol inks on Yupo are very unforgiving.

Part of making the most of this type of color flow is creating areas that are in front of and areas that are behind, areas in shadow and areas in highlight, ahd areas that have movement.
Seems like there should be a fairy princess or a unicorn in there someplace, doesn't it?

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