Foraging for a Meal

Foraging for a Meal
Foraging for a Meal at 30 below!

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Campaigns: Week #1

Here we are, at the top of the mountain, headed toward November.  Are you feeling patriotic? 

The republican candidate?  Donald Trump

The democratic candidate:  Hilary Clinton

Mark your calendar for election day!

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Head to Head

I think it is so frustrating when political candidates, whether running for president, mayor, the legislature, or fire chief, spend a tremendous amount of time pointing out the flaws and shortcomings of the opposition.  I appreciate some details in the candidates plan to solve a particular problem, enhance an aspect of life, or build relations with a segment of the population or their own work force, or improve public education, particularly for gifted children (I'm still waiting for ANY candidate, anywhere, to mention these children!) 

Spending time listing the terrible traits of the opposition assumes several things.  First, it implies that potential voters are not smart enough to weigh the facts, make comparisons, or read for themselves.  There seems to be an assumption that if we are told about the flaws that will immediately rule out the "other" choice, the listener will move to the speaker's side of the voting booth.

Secondly, it presumes that each listener has nothing else to do but listen to negative rhetoric.  In actuality, by spending a lot of time listing the opposition's faults, the speaker is taking time away for highlighting their own strengths and targeted plans for their term in the elected office.  The majority of people will devote a limited amount of time to campaigning speeches, articles and news blasts, so making your strengths known seems more prudent than making anyone else's flaws the feature.

Third, the constant belittling in the media has a negative effect on the mood of the community.  In a state election, the negativity is more regionally confined.  In a national election, the hostility is like a deadly, silent disease that skulks through the population provoking tempers and hostile interactions.  The increased tension, frustration, and hostility seems to have this horrible, wave after wave of impact like a giant tsunami.  Just comparing the emotional impact of Michelle Obama's speech to the conventioneers vs the impact of Hilary Clinton's speech or Donald Trump's speech.  Uplifting the listener also lifts up the speaker. It seems like our two presidential candidates would know this, doesn't it?

Friday, July 29, 2016

Let the Campaigns Begin......

Are you ready?  The closing of the DNC last evening marks the official beginning of the campaign season.  Hilary accepted the nomination for president and gave a well articulated speech to the delegates and viewing audience.  The critics have not painted her in a good light and were immediately itemizing the shortfalls of her speech and delivery.  It appears and though she has developed a tough armor throughout her public career - hoop she can keep it in tact for what lies ahead!

I called the attire for the evening wrong as you can see above.  I anticipated red power suit for the acceptance speech.  I was ready with the Democrat's 2016 campaign poster for distribution at the convention and mailer post cards to kick off the campaign.  Chelsea, Hilary and Bill's daughter who introduced her mother, wore a fire-engine red dress, but Hilary wore a three piece, white pant suit.  I don't think I will be changing the party poster.

During both Obama's and Clinton's (Hilary) speech, there was a time when the delegates in the hall could be heard booing.  Obama responded quickly with the directive, "....don't boo, vote..."  Clinton repeated the same response when delegates booed.  Even before the DNC concluded, the emphasis on the importance of voting began.

In the days and weeks ahead we will see many red and blue maps to visually represent the number of votes odds-makers are projecting for both candidates.  Perhaps a roller coaster with an elephant and a donkey shifting in the front seat would be an appropriate visual.

So, today is the moment of decision for each of us.....will we be watching the evening news.  Will our source of updates be TV, radio, mail, the newspaper, CNN, next door neighbor, golf colleague, or....something else?  Who will be exploring residency in Canada and who will circulate flyers for their candidate of choice?  Are you registered to vote where you live?  Important decisions for an important election year!

The candidates are officially "facing off!" I hope we are ALL ready!!!

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Find Some Fun!

If you have been watching the DNC, you have probably noticed that the background for the speakers has changed from day one.  The background behind Joe Biden and Barrack Obama was different than when Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Michelle Obama spoke. 

Layered print, beginning with a gelli-plate monoprint, topped with the donkey relief print.  Acrylic paint and India ink on card stock.
The iconic party image, the donkey, represents all of the speakers on Wednesday who has a field of blue covered with the stars of the stars and stripes of the American flag.  Again, it has been fun to use the donkey image to frame campaign themes and observations.

Layered print, beginning with a gelli-plate monoprint, topped with the donkey relief print.  Acrylic paint and India ink on card stock.
Clearly, Hilary appreciated the president's speech and showed her appreciation by joining him on stage at the end of his time to talke with the delegates. 

The video montage of presidents that rolled opening night of the convention wrapped up with an image of Hilary in a power-red suit.  So, the donkey party symbol adorned in a tailored red suit seemed fitting in anticipation of hearing her acceptance speech Thursday evening.

Pen and ink drawing with watercolor paint and India ink on tan Strathmore 400 series paper. 

Amidst the massive list of serious issues in this campaign, it is helpful to find some harmless humor in the chaos and rhetoric.  As I have said earlier, "....we have only just begun....."  and the stakes are oppressively massive! 

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Day #2 of the DNC

Well, the delegates have cast their votes and Vermont reserved the last vote-casting position so that Bernie could ask that convention rules be waived so that all the votes for Hilary were unanimous.  In his opening night speech, Bernie shared that although he and Hilary did not always see eye to eye on issues, the two of them had worked collaboratively to draft plans for the party to move forward in unity. 

Will historians remember or recognize Bernie Sanders and his impact on the 2016 campaign and election?  Remains to be seen.  I suppose some of the recording will depend on who is elected to the presidency and who is appointed to various positions once in the white house.

It still seems that not all democrats are on board with Hilary.  In fact, after the speaker announced the democrat's candidate, some of the Bernie delegates from Wisconsin, Wyoming, and some others, left the hall. 

Bernie's speech, in combination with his gestures, were emphatic about the need for party unity and endorsing Hilary as a united party. 

Michelle Obama was a compelling speaker Monday night.  Elizabeth Warren was also a strong speaker on Monday. Tuesday night Bill Clinton presented the "life in brief, emphasizing major personal and political accomplishments" in a series of personable and endearing Hilary stories.  All three of these speakers seemed to maintain the attention of the delegates and even after the speeches were over on night #2, the aisles remained filled with delegates NOT leaving the hall - at least according to reporters. 

These would seem to be good indicators for the democrats, however the polls currently show Trump in the lead nationally.  Lots of campaign ahead with lots of possibilities for multiple roller coaster rides for each side.  No wonder most of the states moved their elections for state governor to off national-election years. 

Monday, July 25, 2016

Who's Night Was It???

My understanding from the media hype was that the first night of the DNC was scheduled to be "Bernie's night."  The mood in the hall had not been celebratory and cohesive during the day according to the news. When Hilary Clinton's name was spoken by a speaker, many Bernie supporters would chant his name and be disruptive.  

It wasn't until Michelle Obama came to the podium at 10:00 P.M. that the mood shifted.  One reporter described her speech as "....the speech of the 2016 election year, to date...."  He applauded her upbeat approach and sited a couple of examples where he felt that Michelle was giving cautionary advice to Hilary.   When Michelle was sharing how she encouraged her daughters to take the higher road when others came took the  low road, the reporter felt "the low road" was a reference to Trump's campaign, thusfar.  He also said that Hilary had a tendency to match negativity for negativity, and he felt Michelle was saying that setting a more positive tone was advisable.

Bernie was very well received by the conventioneers and eventually had the opportunity to speak.  He once again shared his list of platform "musts," like a living minimum wage for those that work 40 hours a week, Social Security increases, an affordable college education for all, etc.  Many times he shared his support for Hilary as the candidate of the party and he closed by endorsing her for the president.

Bernie articulating key platform points - pencil, Derwent Inktense and colored pencils and Faber Castille India ink on Strathmore tan 400 series paper - quicksketch......
As always, his key points were emphasized by hand gestures and arm waving.  There was no fan onstage to swirl his hair, however, so his platinum locks stayed in place. 

After yet another email scandal in the ranks of the democratic party, it was fortunate that the evening seemed to end on a more focused and unifying note.   News media stated several times that Trump was tweeting his party followers and one comedian's comment wondered if he was including Putin in his BFF list.........of course a good scandal gets the rumors flying.......stay tuned!!!

Convention #2

It's been fun to use the Republican icon to create some images, and now it is the donkey's turn to represent his/her party.  As you probably noticed at the end of yesterday's post, there was a donkey signaling the shift from elephants to something else.......this will be the week of the donkey, although it was originally called the "Jackson jackass."

This very bland image of the 'donkey' can be jazzed up a little, by adding some Hilary attributes.....

With just the simple additions of a pantsuit, jewelry and a nice hairdo, we've redesigned the Jackson jackass to become the Hilary donkey.  Also, notice that her nails have been done - French manicure!

The big event that seemed to get people talking pre-convention (besides the Republican convention,) was the long delayed endorsement by Bernie Sanders.

I think there were a lot of people that didn't think he would make the endorsement AND a lot of people who wished he would not have done it.

Regardless of the wishes of any, the deed is done and he is now scheduled to speak at the convention.

Controversy has already tainted the second convention of the unfortunate cloud even before the convention begins.  At least the Republican event got started before plaggergate cast a shadow on the proceedings......What's politics without a little scuttlebutt, ah?  

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Mirror, Mirror.......

"Mirror, mirror on the wall......."  After an up and down kind of convention, it seems there is a high degree of uncertainty about where the republican candidate currently stands.  I suppose it would be helpful to gaze into a mirror that can provide some kind of vision into the future. and ask LOTS of questions. 

Gelli plate monprints layer suing acrylic paint, with ink relief image and flipped ink relief image created using the gelli plate for transfer on card stock tag.
It could provide some guidance into "next steps," and perhaps help political strategists lay out an articulate and well-planned course from now until the election.  It does seem as though the "non-establishment" aspect of Candidate Trump's persona so far has been his lack of willingness to be methodical and systematic, which places high demands on his impromptu speech skills.  Under more and more scrutiny the inconsistencies in his messages are being called into closer focus, however.  Iyana seems to have his ear.  I wonder if she is an organized, systematic person or if she depends on others for her structure???

Gelli monoprint using acrylic paint, topped with ink relief print on light tag stock.
Convention promises will probably now be both key talking points and key interview points as 'the list' has become the backbone of the Republican platform.  The days, weeks and months ahead will be interesting to watch, for those of us who can STAND to watch.  Once the Democrat's convention is history, I am anxious to see the text list of platform issues in a classic T-chart where each talking point from both side is listed with the oppositions position in the other column.

Gelli monoprint using acrylic paint, topped with ink relief print on tag card stock.
I am also anxious to see where other republicans land on many of the key issues now that the convention is over.  It is clear that Ted Cruz is not a party player, but what about the others?  Will we see more alligence to the party no matter what?

Now we get to watch the democrats and their probable candidate, Hilary.  It will be an interesting week, won't it??

Hand painted relief print on tan 400 series Strathmore paper.  Watercolor paint and ink used to create image.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Gearing Up for the Campaign

The closing night of the Republican Convention, it was clear the party was pulling on iconic images to kick off the campaign season.  As I mentioned yesterday, the balloon and ball drop was a great visual and utilized the red, white, and blue stars and streamers to launch the celebration.

Gelli contact print.  Acrylic paint on lightweight tag stock.
The image of the US flag was frequently in the background, and many of the speakers wore something red, something blue or a pin depicting an Americanism icon.  So, what might the next images generated for the campaigns look like - let's start with a flag-like image.  The image above was created using acrylic paint on a gelli plate, then pick up on light tag stock in a contact-print technique.

Gelli contact print.  Acrylic paint on lightweight tag stock.  Relief print elephant added on top of the gelli print.
Of course the republicans would want to be sure their iconic logo is included for immediate recognition, so the elephant has been printed as a relief print on top of the gelli print.

Gelli contact print.  Acrylic paint on lightweight tag stock.  Relief print elephant added on top of the gelli print.
  Print trimmed.
This could be a powerful first image to move the Republican campaign forward.  Candidate Trump articulated a long list of issues and problems he will solve if elected, so the mixing of the flag-like image and the strong, republican elephant are a good start to set the tone.  Perhaps this elephant needs some blond locks wavying.......I'll have to think about that addition....

Great images to establish before the Democrats begin their convention on Monday. 

More ideas to come!

Friday, July 22, 2016

American Boost

Thursday was Donald's big night.  His lengthy acceptance speech covered a LOT of issues and he made a LOT of promises, but seemed to rally to troops.  "USA" was a popular chant echoing through the Ohio convention hall.  I am sure the reviews will be everywhere all day on Friday.  I wonder how his speech might have been different if the democrat's convention was first.

Hand painted block prints on tan Strathmore 400 series paper.
OK, from a visual point-of-view, the balloon and ball drop was the best part of the evening.  I particularly liked the large white balls covered with the blue and red stars of varying sizes. 

Of course one of the best things both conventions do for us as a country is remind us of the rights and freedoms we have as citizens.  The focus on being an American and supporting the USA is a theme revisited often by both parties.

Gelli plate monoprint using acrylic paints and paper cut-outs on white card stock.
 We so need these reminders of the things we share and enjoy in common and not how disenfranchised and fragmented we have become. 
Gelli plate monoprint using acrylic paints and paper cut-outs on white card stock.
Will it impact voter turn out????  Remains to be seen!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

McIver - Is that the Saturday Night Live Character????

The new name in the news is Meredith McIver, a Trump organization ghostwriter.  She has come forward to take the "hit" for plagiarizing Michelle Obama's 2008 speech (so much for Melania writing her own speech.)  When she submitted her resignation, McIver shared that Trump did not accept it, and acknowledged that he returned a statement about .....'people make mistakes...' ..seems a little out of character for the man who made the phrase, "YOUR FIRED..."  a nationwide catchphrase.  Hmmmmm..........

It's pretty clear that the convention speakers are focusing on Hilary and not defining or articulating the Republican Party platform.  While that energy can rally the party troops at a convention, it will be interesting to see if the strategy is having the same impact across the country.  As the marching elephant suggests below, the goal seems to be to 'march across the country' winning over both Republican and undeclared voters to mark their ballot for the Trump/Pence ticket.  Of course, the final assessment of that success is measured in the electorate in November, but it is not clear how effective that is after day three of the convention. 

It would be great if the convention events from both the Republicans and the Democrats would rally an all-time high number of voters to the polls on election day.  I hope the momentum for participation by younger potential voters generated by interest in Bernie Sanders carries interest through to voting day.  Complacency is not a great after-election critique summing up our next president and vice president. 

In presidential elections between 1864 and 1884, the influence of one man who was a political cartoonist was amazing.  We still use many of the iconic images he created over 100 years ago, including the republican's elephant and the democrat's donkey.  It seems as though those reporters giving us a blow by blow of the candidates, conventions, meeting, family members, etc., seek to have that same power of influence to sway the public's opinions and decisions.  Are we more savvy than our ancestors when it comes to knowing the candidates and anticipating how they will handle business and problems in their term of office?  Are the candidates or the parties better at declaring party platforms and anticipated actions for hypothetical future opportunities, problems, and crises?  Hmmmm.....??????

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

An Alternative Opening Day Attention-Getter

Wow, what a difference a day can make.  Melania's speech went from strong review and glowing, to "PLAGIARISM accusations!"  Every newscast placed Michelle Obama's 2008 speech next to Melania Trump's 2016 speech and played two, three or more (depending on the station,) stolen phrases and passages.

Here's what I don't understand:  every senior high English or social studies teacher in this country has access to websites that allow them to enter text and identify the original text or source of the text.  If Melania wrote the speech, as she stated in a pre-convention interview (7/19/16), did she really think that no one would analyze the text.  If, instead of actually writing it herself, she had a writer prepare her speech, how could they possibly think no one would analyze the text.  If a team was responsible for writing her speech, how could they possibly think no one would analyze the text......?????? 

Ink, watercolor, and pencil on gray Strathmore 400 series paper.
Perhaps Donald's frequent use of the word, "...HUGE" is a reference to the huge embarrassment scheduled to get people talking on the opening day of the worked!

Perhaps instead of coming out in the mist to introduce his wife, he should have come to the stage in full convention regalia, as shown below:  blond locks rustling in the stage breeze, crisp gray suit with fire-engine red tie, and a fresh coat of orange spray tan, and wearing the party logo.............

Ink and watercolor on tan Strathmore 400 series paper..
Now this image would scream party loyalty and not involve speech writers, a speech presentation, or speech analysts critique for hours, days, and probably weeks after the opening day.....reveals a human side,  loyalty,  generate national and international discussions and get the convention off to a lively start.

Ink, watercolor and washi tape on tan Strathmore 400 series paper.  Addition of Cricut-cut elephant in lower right hand corner.

A nice framed poster with the signature of the candidate would be a fabulous keepsake for those in attendance AND could be a nationwide mailing in postcard size.  Truly a missed opportunity.  The initial intent of the Melania speech to reveal her husband's human side and dedication to the USA might have worked better with the above attire ............and.........skip the speech!

Pleases note that these elephants are deliberately cookie cutter for a reason - it's a statement..........more to come.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Speech Impact

Yep, he's orange on purpose....seems to be part of the stereotype. 

Donald Trump thinking about introducing the keynote speaker, Melania Trump.
The early reports suggest that Melania, Donald's wife, gave a well-received speech during the first night of the GOP convention in Cleveland, Ohio.  Although at one time she was a model, she has not been in the public eye for the majority of the presidential campaign so far.  Although English is her second language (her native country, as you probably know, is Slovania,) reports indicate her speed was well delivered, articulate and structured for sound delivery and logic.

Media has also reported that there is a very vocal group among conventioneers that are staunch Hilary "haters."  I am not sure how they know that or what that means, but it has been reported on more than one station.

Well, that's the sum total of what I know about the convention since I was not near a TV or radio for the duration of the televised event.

So, does Melania's positive impact mean Donald's star is now rising in Cleveland?  It's pretty early in the convention to determine that end certainly has people talking, however.  I am sure there is MUCH more to come!!

Monday, July 18, 2016

Convention Time...................

How would you complete this thought balloon if this really looked like Donald Trump AND  if you were the editorial cartoonist?

Well, for starters, it IS supposed to be a Donald image.  Also, I think one of the challenges that has come up time and time again in the media is that Mr. Trump would NOT have a thought balloon because he does not appear to think before he speaks.

Anyway, heading into the Republican convention, what do you imagine the likely presidential candidate is planning.

I am sure that running the USA will be the number ONE topic on the"how great I am....." said Donald, will be #1!!  Listen for the key talking points so you are ready to vote!!!  I can't think of a time when voting will be more important!!!

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Summer Goodness!

In these hot days of summer, with hotter days ahead, even the thought of a little citrus refreshment can cool you down a degree or two.  Each group in the citrus family has it's own color range AND fragrance range, that is distinctive.  For example, in a black line drawing, on white paper, the wedges above could be a lime, lemon, orange or even a grapefruit.  By adding green, yellow, orange or salmony-pink, they become identifiable.

If I add yellow, it evokes lemony smells and possibly thoughts of lemonade, lemon-merangue pie, or perhaps even a whiskey sour.  No matter what way I turn the image, it still evokes lemony goodness.

As a child my home was filled with lemon and lemony scents all of the time.  My mother used at least one lemon a day, sometimes more, in her precisely brewed tea (whether hot or cold,) and if a lemon dish soap, furniture polish, or window spray advertised lemon essence, it eventually made its' way into the cleaning cupboard. 

Imagine my surprise, fairly late in my teens, when I discovered that not everyone was as thrilled about LEMON everything as my home environment would have lead me to believe - coupled with the advertising onslaught, lemons had to be the most essential element for a happy, healthy, and sparkling clean home.  To encounter someone that did not prefer lemonade as a beverage of choice was quite a surprise, as well. 

It is fun to do a series of these citrus sketches by starting right in with a pen, then adding acrylic ink or watercolor paint.  A group of these would make a great mini-book for quick notes, shopping lists, and receipt collection.....I think I will venture forward with that little project. 

In the meantime, you know what the next two weeks brings - POLITICAL mayhem....oh, I think the events are better know as the party conventions.  I'm considering some fun images for those in the upcoming days!  Enjoy the events and let the show begin!  We'll revisit citris in the heat of the summer!

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Yep - It's Another Flower.........................

I really tried to push the inks on this one and used both a drinking straw and canned air in the attempt to move the ink around quickly.

 I was trying to create the long, stringy tentacles, but not the watery droplets, but actually like the effect of both.  As with earlier images, the places that overlap and go very dark and sticky right away are disappointing.
 Since this also looked floral, I decided to to into the images with the black Micron pen to add some line drawings the emphasize the flower and leaf-like qualities. 
 Kinda fun, but I am not sure this is a keeper, either.  The combination of alcohol inks and YUPO substrate is very interesting, however, and I see why some artists have switched to this medium as their primary expressions.  Is anyone giving this a try?  JoAnn fabrics have some great coupons right now that making the purchase of a couple of 3-sets of Adirondick alcohol ink packs pretty affordable........