Foraging for a Meal

Foraging for a Meal
Foraging for a Meal at 30 below!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

...Quick Sketch, Quick Sketch, Quick Sketch......Moving Yourself Forward

If I remind myself daily that I am practicing a quick sketch, I might actually get closer to doing one.  I started this one with pencil and I am going try to render the image without reworking. 

6B pencil on tan Strathmore 400 series paper.
Addition of black line using .5 Micron pen.  I like this pen because it is permanent; I have never had it bleed or dilute using any water-soluble medium.

Addition of white China marker - I was very tempted to stop here BUT wanted to add in the "pinkiness" of a conceptual "perfect" pig.
Yep - added pink watercolor paint - could also have stopped here.
Added a little background color - watercolor paint

Added more watercolor paint...and stopped!!
Constantly repeating "quick sketch, quick sketch..." worked for the PROCESS here.  The thing that slowed me down the most was stopping frequently to take a picture (there are actually 4 addition pictures of the process)  and yet the pictures kept me moving forward.  

So, during your creative process, how do you pause to reflect and keep yourself moving forward (or decide it is time to stop)?  I like the way the cell phone camera is working for me in the process.  It's quick, visual (my best mode for learning,) and provides a mini-history for later comparison and reflection.  What works for you?


  1. Need to get into that sketching habit! I am officially envious of your work.

  2. There are days when I am much better at it than other. The blog has become a new taskmaster in some's working for now, but when lot's of things compete for my time, the blog is the one that move further down the list.
