Foraging for a Meal

Foraging for a Meal
Foraging for a Meal at 30 below!

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Transition Sheep/Goat..........

The last is the Iowa ram series is below.  The addition of the more curly fibers makes it more sheep-like to me.  It would be fun to do an acrylic painting of a few sheep as a nod to the great women of the Iowa Spinner's and Weaver's Guild - food for my thought!
Ram with several modifications.  6B pencil, white China marker, watercolor paint, black India ink, and gouache paint (the opacity is the key to eliminating or softening the harsh effects of the India ink!!)  

6B pencil, white China marker and watercolor paint on tan Strathmore 400 series paper. 
Originally, the image above was intended to be a fourth in the "sheep" series, but the more I looked at it, the more it look like a goat to me.  I think I will call this the "transition to a goat" image to be on the safe side.  Of course, that also foreshadows that the next drawing or two you will be encountering will be ......goats.
Addition of black India ink.  Click on image to enlarge.
 I stayed true to my task on this particular drawing, by adding a little India ink to the original quick sketch and stopping.  There are pros and cons to the end result.   Pros include sticking to my "quick" commitment, it looks like the critter I had pictured, he's/she's endearing (as sheep/goats go,) ad the white pops, and an appropriate use of black ink to define, without overpowering. Cons include the rendering of the background, which I think limits the depth allowable by the viewer, and the omission of the left shoulder before it is out of "range."

Enough of white China marker for highlighting AND texture, on to another technique (that was the teaser...did it work??)

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