Foraging for a Meal

Foraging for a Meal
Foraging for a Meal at 30 below!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

The Lucky Majority

As I continued to do these quick sketches, it didn't take me long to realize that what started as a lemon could easily become an orange, lime or even a delightfully pink grapefruit.  The beauty of the structure of a piece of citrus fruit is that our connection to what fruit it is is based on the color and not on the structure......

Black Micron ink on 300 series Strathmore mixed media paper.
Although a little of the visual recognition is based on the exterior shape, it is not essential to for the "ah-ha" factor.  Because the header is a lemon and my last two posts have been filled with lemony goodness, these black and white line drawings may appear to be lemons, as well.....the power of suggestion.......

If, in your mind's eye, you add dark green skin and yellowy-green triangles where the meat of the fruit lives, are they now limes?  If the skin and interior triangles are orange in color, does the fruit become an orange or tangerine?  If the exterior is bright (not neon) yellow and the interior is salmony-pink, does it become a grapefruit in your mind?

What beauty and power color can add to our perceptions .  Color brings recognition, beauty, and meaning to our world!  For those of us who see in color, how fortunate we are!

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