Foraging for a Meal

Foraging for a Meal
Foraging for a Meal at 30 below!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Citrus Mini-Book

Another fun little mini-book in the works!  This one is focused on citrus!

Cover - Mini-book one - Citrus theme!

All of these little citrus sketches are just that - quick drawings made with a black fine-line ink pen, then watercolor or acrylic ink added for a quick splash of color. 
I am still on the look out for more of these book rings..  These particular rings came in a packet of mixed colors, but, as you can see, I only have two green rings left. It would probably help if I could remember where I found these, although the part I do remember is that they were expensive compared to the plain sliver ones.  I may have to "bite the bullet" and buy a canister of 100 on line so that I am not in a loop of looking, finding, using and running out!

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