Foraging for a Meal

Foraging for a Meal
Foraging for a Meal at 30 below!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

"Dinner time"

June 11 -
If you look carefully, you will see the four pale yellow beaks that started as those beautiful blue eggs.   Click to enlarge the image above. 
It doesn't seem possible that these robin fledglings have grown so fast - a true rite of spring passage.  I would love to capture a picture of them when the food arrives, but that is not likely to happen unless I get a drone with camera mount.  This is as close as she will let me get...sorry about the blurryness...

Dinner time - AGAIN!  These robin parents get "hunter/gatherer of the year" awards!
I am sure the doves that built the companion nest (yup, dove is the correct answer to the "nest #2" question,) have relocated and are tending to their hatchling by now, as well.  

Spring is a good time to remember how important our daily rituals and habits are to move us forward on our journey.  It's also a good time to disrupt those that are no longer serving us well and perhaps adopt some new ones that help enrich each day!  As you may have noticed in my last post, swimming is an enticing habit I am trying to cultivate!  Now, if I could just overcome my frustration when dealing with the multitude of construction zones throughout the metro,then I would do a much better job of getting into a pool daily!!!  (Nope, don't have one of those in the backyard - darn!)

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