Foraging for a Meal

Foraging for a Meal
Foraging for a Meal at 30 below!

Friday, January 22, 2016

January 22, 2016 - Zebra

The zebra is one of the earliest relief block I created.  Notice on the first sketch that I have drawn grid lines on the tan Strathmore paper - something  frequently did to keep my sketches "square."  In fact, one of the reasons I still get excited about "back to school" sales in the fall of the year is because this is often the only time graph paper hf varying grid sizes is available! 

Zebra sketch - pen on tan 300 series Strathmore paper
The Como Zoo, in St. Paul, MN, seems to have good successing with their breeding program.  In the last few years they have welcomed a couple of baby zebras, and a new giraffe.  For the sketcher, is is helpful to note the patterns of similarities and differences contrasting the parents and the offspring.....patterns, in particular, for BOTH of these animals! 
Zebra relief print - black Daniel Smith water soluble relief ink on gessoed 300 series tan Strathmore paper.  FW acrylic ink added around ears, eyes, mouth and nostrils.
The differences between the patterning and markings on the MN and FL animals zebras and giraffes is amazing to me.  I know it really has nothing to do with their current location and is really about where the mini-herds were imported from.  Would these different groups  ever have had the opportunity to interbreed in the wild, or would they maintain the stark isolational development they experience in zoo-life? 

Zebra relief print - Daniel Smith black relief ink on 400 series Strathmore printmaker paper.


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