Foraging for a Meal

Foraging for a Meal
Foraging for a Meal at 30 below!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

January 17, 2016 -Miss Curious in pink

It really doesn't take much color to help Miss C look more 3-d.  A little pink to the snout and inner ear, a hint of eye color and define the fence tie and she's looking perky!

Miss Curious with a hint of color - relief print using black Daniel Smith water soluble relief ink and FW acrylic inks on 300 series Strathmore printmaker paper.

Notice the difference in the appearance of both the cow and the fence on the second image below - what a difference a piece of paper can make.  Print #2 is run on watercolor paper, which has a texture.  The low portions of the paper are difficult to contact the full inked surface of the relief block without substantial pressure.  Running this block on a Vandercook Press, for example, with watercolor paper, would result in print #2 and #1 looking almost the same (provided the pressure adjustment, height of the block, inking roller, etc., etc., are adjusted properly.) 

Miss Curious - Relief print using Daniel Smith water soluble relief ink, FW acrylic inks AND Canson watercolor paper. 
Different coloring agents create different results, as well.  The print below has been run on a 300 series mixed media paper and acrylic paint has been used to add color.  This paper is not designed to use a high water content product, so it quickly buckles with acrylic paint.  Even though the fence tie has not been painted, the relatively small amount of paint added to the snout, ears and eye well have buckled this paper - that is why you see the curvature in the fencing. 

Miss Curious - Relief print on Strathmore 300 series mixed media paper.  Black portion of print completed using Daniel Smith water soluble relief ink and color added using Golden acrylic paint.

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