Foraging for a Meal

Foraging for a Meal
Foraging for a Meal at 30 below!

Monday, December 21, 2015

Tilly - color variations

One of the nice aspects of working with acrylic inks is the ease with which colors can be mixed and diluted.  Many of the non-pearlized version of these inks are transparent and hold their color intensity when dry; they do not migrate with the addition of water or additional ink.  The addition of yellow highlights to the upper snout were visually appealing......

"Tilly" in Relief - color study using Ranger black ink and various combinations of FW acrylic ink on 300 series Strathmore printmaker paper.
but the blueness of the green maintained its storybook quality.

The color I found to be the most gatorish was mixed by removing most of blue and mixing the yellowish green with black and water.  The resulting green is much closer to the second tank alligator at the aquarium, the massive companion to Tilly, who was simulating log flotation.  His muted, mossy green color, combined with the rough, dull texture of his hide, made him difficult to see AND a little startling to discover as you scanned the entire tank........kind of like fixing your eyes on the approaching fin in the ocean as you float in your dingy (are you hearing JAW music now???)

"Tilly" in Relief - Black Daniel Smith relief ink with mixed FW acrylic inks on Strathmore 400 series printmaker paper.
In addition to the mossy green color, it is the contrast of light and darks that help this version of Relief Tilly pop.......visitors beware! 

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