Foraging for a Meal

Foraging for a Meal
Foraging for a Meal at 30 below!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Muskie on the 180 - continued #2

Once the block was carved, I tried a proof print and quickly realized that there was so much blank space around the tail, that it would be almost impossible to get a clear print.  For that reason, I returned to the carved block and cut away areas that were not needed for the relief print around the tail.

Relief block with one modification - Speedball softcut inked with Ranger black ink.
For now, I will leave this slight edge outside the top and tail of the fish, but could still cut away more block material if it becomes problematic in the printing process.

Muskie on the 180 - From left to right, proof #2, Speedball softcut block - carved, and proof #3.  Both prints have been printed on Strathmore 300 series printmaking paper.

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