Foraging for a Meal

Foraging for a Meal
Foraging for a Meal at 30 below!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

"Here's To You," variation #3 AND which is your TRIAD of choice?

Here's to You - Daniel Smith black relief ink and Schmenke gouache paint on Strathmore 400 series printmaker paper..

Of all of the versions of the Bloody Mary I have hand painted, I think this on is my favorite. The colors are bold, the four different colors of green are indicative of the differences in the cuisine, and this particular color of red is most like the tomato juice in the mix.  As I mentioned in the earlier compare/contrast post, I think the tabletop color of mango-orange sets a nice contrast to the green, as well.  The fact that the tone of the red is very blue also helps move this triad toward a combination of all secondary colors....almost (the red is too primary to say secondary with conviction!)  I think my brain appreciates the secondary triad (orange, green, purple,) more than the primary triad (yellow, blue, red.) 

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