Foraging for a Meal

Foraging for a Meal
Foraging for a Meal at 30 below!

Monday, April 11, 2016

And the Fired Color is....................................

One of the challenges of working with scraps is the loss of the identifying marks and labels that indicate the before and after color of each piece.  Obviously, the before color is easy - not necessarily so with the after color, however. 

Another potential pendant - assembly is all scraps
These two pieces of colored glass appear to be orange and yellow.  Once they are fired, it will be interesting to see if they are yellow and orange or orange and pumpkin orange.  I am also hopeful that the clear glass that is  above and below the colored pieces actually fires clear.  If either is a reactive glass, then once fired that piece or those pieces will be milky white (see image to the right.)  I learned, the hard way that that is an easy mistake to make.

Another potential pendant - assembly is all scraps
It is possible that the orange in the piece above becomes red when fired, as well and the same clear or reactive problems could appear after firing.  I am sure that the freeform string piece is clear, however.

Another potential pendant - assembly is all scraps
In addition to the " it yellow, orange or red???" questions with the flat scrap pieces, the yellow pieces of string, although appearing to be a different shade of yellow, could also fire to a wonderful Kodak (or taxi cab) yellow BUT could match the color it rests on instead of providing a visual contrast.

Another potential pendant - assembly is all scraps
After this piece is fired, the next decision will be to determine if it is pendant-worthy.  If yes, then  which way - vertically or horizontally, will it share it's best look!  The one advantage in hanging this vertically - I think - is that the orange glass not appear to be transparent.  That means that gluing a bail behind the orange will not allow the bail or the glue to show through.

One of the advantages I have in the selection of scrap assembly is that almost all of the scrapes are left over from a previous project I have worked on.  This narrows the range of possible colors.  When sorting through the community scrap container at the Art Center, the range is much broader and the risk is potential much greater!

Check back in to see the firing results of these scrap pieces! 

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