Foraging for a Meal

Foraging for a Meal
Foraging for a Meal at 30 below!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

A Hot Combo of Scraps

Below are two examples of of surprises that can be discovered while using scrap glass.   In the first example, I thought I was using orange, yellow and clear to create a pendant. 
Scrap glass pendant before firing.

After firing, it was such a relief to see that clear was actually clear but, as you can see, orange was really red and yellow was really orange when heat was added.  The red and orange glasses are called "striker" glass because it STRIKES or fires a different color than it begins.

Scrap glass pendant after firing.

Interestingly, in the piece below, the "tomato red" scrap begins red and............................
Scrap glass pendant before firing.

stays red - it "strikes" the same color.  If you look closely, you can see the ghost of the piece of freeform stringer in the fired piece.  What a relief that none of the pieces that appeared to be clear in the beginning changed to be a "reactive" milky white with the addition of heat!

Scrap glass pendant after firing.
When considering making each of these pieces into a pendant, it make aesthetic sense to take advantage of the opaque characteristics of the reds and oranges and place the bail behind these colors.  The top piece will suspend vertically and the bottom piece will probably suspend horizontally, with the red at the top.  

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