Foraging for a Meal

Foraging for a Meal
Foraging for a Meal at 30 below!

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Valentine's Day!!!!

Here's to you on this special day that provides an opportunity for us to show affection and appreciation for those we care about! 

Lemonade Mix relief print - Black Daniel Smith water soluble relief ink and FW acrylic inks on 400 series Strathmore printmaking paper.

This block provides the perfect example of a way  to use one relief block for different purposes simply by changing the color palette.  The lemonade mix above would be an interesting mix for the taste palette, makes an interesting mix visually. 
Lemonade Mix relief print with tablecloth- Black Daniel Smith water soluble relief ink and FW acrylic inks on 400 series Strathmore printmaking paper.
It is also an example of how the viewer works to make sense of an image immediately.  It would be interesting to ask several viewers whether they thought about the visual image in terms of color and visual appeal OR the combination of tastes of the food presented????  The image below is immediately recognizable to most viewers, so the first view is not needed to make sense of the image.
 The Real Deal - Bloody Mary -  relief print - Black Daniel Smith water soluble relief ink and FW acrylic inks on 400 series Strathmore printmaking paper.

 So what does the viewer jump to once the Bloody Mary is quickly recognized - what did you do next - think about the attached foods, think about the visual accuracy, think about where you last enjoyed drinking a bloody mary, think about the movie "South Pacific??"  The thoughts patterns are endless!  So, is that one of the values of producing and sharing the visual image????  Makes you think!!

 Happy Valentine's Day!

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