Foraging for a Meal

Foraging for a Meal
Foraging for a Meal at 30 below!

Saturday, February 6, 2016

February 6, 2016 - donkey 2

One of the great donkeys of all time is the hero in "Sylvester and the Magic Pebble," by William Steig (best known as the author of Shrek.)  The book won a Caldecott Medal in 1970 and was the first of many awards for author Steig.

Sylvester Duncan, the personified donkey lead, reveals the classic moral " careful what you wish for!"  in this story of discovery, experimentation and separation. 

Donkey relief block ready for printing.
In this era of increased political frenzy, we could probably learn a lesson or two from Sylvester about wishing and lusting, greed, remorse and residual effects of fear.  On the donkey-democratic side, what IF the current frontrunner "wisher" wins?  What if someone new appears on the democratic ticket in the eleventh hour?  What if #2,  at the current time, moves into the White House? Who should be careful what "we" wish for?

Donkey relief block inked with black Akua water soluble relief ink.
Of course, the donkey references also pertains to the democratic candidates (well, in the strictest historical reference context,) and their current "popularity."  The donkey icon has actually been around since the 19th century; specifically the campaign of Andrew Jackson.  During the rhetoric phase of the pre-election, opponents called Jackson a "jackass."  He decided to turn the negative into a positive, and placed the image (now icon.....or.....would it now be an emoji?????) on his campaign posters.

Jackon beat the incumbent J.Q. Adams and political cartoonists, (particularly Thomas Nast,) began generalizing the use of the donkey to represent the entire democratic party.

Black Akua water soluble ink rolled with a 2" brayer and used to cover the raised surface of the donkey relief block.
More about the Republican's symbol in a couple of days.  It came a little later in time, but can also be linked to Nast.  It is interesting to note that the Republican Party did not form until 1854.  Lincoln was the first member of the party elected to the presidency.  Stay tuned......

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