Foraging for a Meal

Foraging for a Meal
Foraging for a Meal at 30 below!

Friday, February 5, 2016

February 5, 2016 - donkey 1

The Iowa caucus event has officially started the campaign frenzy for the next presidential election!  The news reports, candidate rhetoric, party debates, and talk show visits were all in preparation for Iowa and beyond! 

Democratic Donkey sketch - Graphite pencil on 400 series Strathmore tan paper.

I began with my donkey sketch about the time of the 2015 State of the Union  address, thinking about how I could make an critter generic enough to add candidate attributes.  At this point in time, it looks like the donkey will need to be able to either Hilaryized or Bernieized - I think either of these two are possible. 

Democratic Donkey - transfer paper of donkey in preparation for transfer to relief block.

Now I must seriously consider was visible attributes about Hilary are uniquely hers.  She is well known for wearing a two piece wool worsted suit in every color known to Pendleton weavers.  Then there is Bernie, criticized for his Einstein-like 'do and horn-rimmed glasses.  News reporters have recently had fun with his 1985 rap song, but that's not a daily attribute item.  I think I will print a few of these on sketch paper or 300 series and experiment with some ideas. 

Donkey relief Speedball block carved and ready for first proof.  Notice that I made the decision to remove the excess material in the lower right hand corner of the block to avoid the dreaded "random ink marks" concern.

A democratic Trump could result in a donkey with a blond comb-over - I'll have to save that for the republican icon!  Rubio was somewhat of a surprise, so I'll have to think carefully about his distinguishable attribute.....feel free to send a message through the blog if you have a visual inspiration!!!!

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