Foraging for a Meal

Foraging for a Meal
Foraging for a Meal at 30 below!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

February 10, 2016 - ele 1 full

I decided to try and match aspects of the donkey carving in case I decided to use the two images together  in the future.  I included the head and a small portion of the chest.  The trunk is essential to include,,  in its entirety, followed by the ears.  Dave and I debated about the degree of wrinkliness the skin should reveal, as well. I went for the well-weathered elephant look. 

Elephant sketch in preparation for carving of relief block.

Perhaps I kept thinking about the political uses possible in the future.  Since a presidential candidate  must be at least 45 years of age, I didn't want to create a youthful creature.

Head to Head - Elephant sketch with India ink outline (left, ) facing carved and inked relief block (right
Elephant relief print - version #1 - Black Ranger ink and FW acrylic ink on 400 series Strathmore printmaker paper.
Elephant relief print - version #2 - Black Ranger ink and FW acrylic ink on 400 series Strathmore printmaker paper.
Now, picture Donald Trump hair and once again the elephant has be NASTized (no, not nastyized - well, I guess it depends on your view of DT.)

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