Foraging for a Meal

Foraging for a Meal
Foraging for a Meal at 30 below!

Monday, February 1, 2016

February 1, 2016 - sheep 3

Experimenting with both printing ink colors AND paper can be very time consuming and result in some visually appealing images!  Below is a quick print using white ink on darker paper.  I like the contrast between these colors and textures and would like to dedicate some time in the future to further explore these materials. 

Sheep variation - White Daniel Smith water soluble relief ink on tan 300 series Strathmore paper.
It would also be interesting to introduce different colors of gesso/ground underneath a light printing ink.  Since I am continuing to print in one color and hand paint for enhancement, I think gesso variations may provide another way to add color and texture - visual appeal!

Sheep Herd - with a good block and enough paper, you can make a delightful herd of sheep with the relief-printing process.  Notice that there are differences in the prints underneath the relief block.  This stack represents the revisions made to improve the clarity and quality of the image.
The is an unusually high number of prints in the revision process for me.  I continued to adjust and refine the sheep nine times.  The light on tan print (shown above, but not in the 'herd,') was actually very beneficial in seeing revision needs.  Light on dark provides a fresh look!!

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