Foraging for a Meal

Foraging for a Meal
Foraging for a Meal at 30 below!

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Finally back...

At long last I am able to get back into my blog site.  I am not sure what the problem has been, but I have typed many entries, only to have them disappear when I click save........the wonder of technology!

My car has been communicating frequently, these days.  Although related to the frigid cold, it necessarily because of the below zero temps or the wind chill warnings.  The first communication was about tire pressure.  The threshold seems to be 32 degrees and the warning lights flash "tire pressure, tire pressure, tire pressure.....!"  No sooner were the tires welcoming additional air pressure then the next communication alerted me to a "maintenance" update that it was time for an oil change.  Since the sticker on the windshield also marked the arrival of oil change time, this warning did not send chills of "car failure" to me like the flashing "tire pressure" did. 

The following day came alert number three to indicate the "urgent need" for a new oil filter.  Since oil change and oil filter go hand in hand, this is a "no brainer." 

Then came day four AND alert number four - tire maintenance needed.  I have no clue what this one is and digging through the layers of screens in the alert system provides no additional information.  Since I have an appointment at the dealership scheduled, I can relax a little when a new panel light flashes.  With the temperature at -20something today (and the wind chill is significantly lower,) staying home and attending to gift wrapping, tree trimming and laundry seems more prudent than driving anyway....that's one way to ensure that I will not have to deal with additional warning lights today. 

Prior to Thanksgiving, when I was able to enter this site daily, I was sharing the work I had done using the Chicago website as a source of inspiration.  Below is the next progression in the image I was sharing at the time.  Clearly this is not a picture from 2016, December in Chicago.  Neither is the beginning of the Chicago shopper........if the pictures were from today, I would be working on a great sketch of a nose sticking out of a coat.....brrrrrrrr!

We'll see how long I am able to get back to this site....stay tuned!

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