Foraging for a Meal

Foraging for a Meal
Foraging for a Meal at 30 below!

Sunday, June 5, 2016


The octopus went from looking fearful and timid to looking powerful and calculating in the wink of an eye - about as fast as she displayed her fearsome palette of burgundy, purple and ochre, she returned to a blob of beige and retreated into hiding. 

With the transition to her aggressive colors, the slant of her eye even changed to create a "V"..... In human facial gestures, we would view that eyebrow angle as angry or enraged.

When the pages are bound in the text they become very tight and compressed.  All of these pages will remain tight and compressed until the book is used qite a bit.

As you can see, the pages, prior to being assembled into the minibook, are much more visually appealing to observe.  The combination of the printed text pages, the visual hand painted pages, and the note tags that integrate into the palette, make the book cohesive. 

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