Foraging for a Meal

Foraging for a Meal
Foraging for a Meal at 30 below!

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Artistic Decisions-Do They Make Much Difference?

OK - you have probably figured out my pattern.  The two images on the past two pages are exactly the same, but rotated.  Because the base image is created with printed block, the resulting relief print can be manipulated in a variety of ways.  Below you will see the same orientation of the printed image, but the use of different colors.

Is there one image that looks busier to you than the other?  Does the addition of bottom coral on the bottom picture change the movement or layering of the coral arms above it because the bottom coral extends so much farther from the hub than on the top picture? 

What about the colors?  On the top image, the contrasting colors also vary in intensity while the intensity of the colors in the bottom picture are very uniform.  All of these artistic decisions impact the final product created by the artist.

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