Foraging for a Meal

Foraging for a Meal
Foraging for a Meal at 30 below!

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Subterranean Layers 3 - Back

This is one of few pieces I have created so far that looks as good, if not better, from the back.  The crispness of shapes and lines is much better from the back.

Subterranean Mosaic from the back - vertical image
The piece of "anchor" glass I put all of the layers  on top of, was a pale transparent aqua.  It seems to work in much the same way the Earth's atmosphere works to impact the way we see color. 

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The trade off is the clarity of the stringers and their surrounding color for the delightful bumps and textures of the rocks.  I also like the clarity of the wavy pattern that remains visible in the top side of the large rocks.  Much of that is lost on the back side. 

Subterranean Mosaic from the back
Because the "grass" green stringers were place before the frit, where they made contact with the anchor glass, there is not the pronounced reaction like there is on the top.   Notice the dark line or layer at the bottom of the grass below.  This is actually a top view and is the place is where the green stringers and the cyan frit overlap.  There must be just enough sulfur/selenium in the green (as in the French vanilla,) to react to the cyan which copper bearing.  Surprise, once again!!!

Subterranean Mosaic from thefront
While I did not plan for the visual placement of this "dirt" layer, it is not out of place even though it is not consistent with the color scheme.  Note to self:  "Cyan reacts with almost everything??"

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